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My name is Niels Henke. I studied Media entertainment management and I am an audio visual storyteller focused on creating content. My first video experience was a street soccer video I did in 2006. My friends and I did tricks and I filmed them with the film function on an old photo camera.

In 2010 I started my study Media entertainment management. The school offered me the opportunity to work in film and music studio's. From that day I started producing music on a daily base. Nowadays I use that experience to create original audio to some great footage. 


I bought my first DSLR camera in 2012 and started making more photo's and video's. I create the fire to show you the sparkles, literally. My friends say: "Niels can be described as a creative centipede". I have a strong mentality and I am always open to learn new things. I use the knowledge I regain during my study to achieve new goals, which I love to do.

All the photo's on this website are made by Niels.


Date: 2017 till now
Function: Owner
Description of tasks: Producing audio visual content, allround company activities, artist guidance, social media.

Date: september 2017 till 2022.

Function: Location manager Repair

Company: Kamera Express

Description of tasks: My task is to check the quality of the gear in a big camera rental company based in Amsterdam. Gear thats not rentable needs to be fixed in an efficient way. I have a short line with customer care for the 'damage & loss' project. Which means if you break it, you pay it.

Date: June 2015 till June 2016
Function: Technical studio administrator

Company: Meervaart Studio
Description of tasks: Doing technical maintenance in the building. Het technisch beheren van het pand, facilitating musical equipment for workshops, sound technician at various events, the target for technical questions from participants and colleagues, organizing the material.

Date: 2010 till 2017
Function: Owner
HGO Events
Description of tasks: Started my own company with a varied offer aimed at smaller events with activities related to sports and music. Main tasks include: accounting, purchasing, organizing, executing, social media, negotiating.


Date: February 2010 till July 2010
Function: Engineer / planner (fulltime)

Company: Ingenieurs & adviesbureau de Wilde
Description of tasks: The construction project that started at the beginning of my internship. Tasks a.o .: work preparation, contacting suppliers, requesting quotes, planning, meeting, supervising the construction site, purchasing, communicating, budget monitoring, etc.
Date: 2008 tot 2011
Function: Professional street soccer player
Monta Soccer
Task: A three-year contract signed to provide street football and freestyle shows in the name of Monta Soccer.


Date: 2010 – 2016 (finished)
Course: HBO Media Entertainment & Management
School: Inholland Haarlem



International Music Publishing

Artist Management

TV program / CAMJO



Date: 2005 – 2010 (finished)
Course: MBO Bouwkunde niveau 4
School: NOVA College Beverwijk

Date: 2003 – 2005 (finished)

Opleiding: VMBO kader Bouwtechniek
School: Baandert College

Date: 2001 – 2003 (finished)
Opleiding: VMBO kader beroepsgerichte leerweg
School: Maerten College Heemskerk

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